What We Do2017-02-11T14:36:52+00:00

gearIn the framework of the goals for which it was created, TDM 2000 International, coordinates, directly implements, supports and divulges activities and projects designed either by our staff or by our affiliates. So far it has developed projects and activities of the likes of training courses and study sessions, different sorts of encounters and workshops, awareness-raising campaigns and lobbying meetings, inquiries and polls, voluntary service projects, partnership building activities and contact making seminars, electronic and hard cover publications, youth exchanges and seminars, or other multi-measure projects with diverse types of social intervention for development.

Educational and Training Activities for Capacity Building

Our members have been working left_circle1for many years in this field, enhancing capacity building processes taking place individual level, institutional level and societal level. Thanks to diverse Educational and Training projects, people are able to acquire and develop competences that, on the one hand, are required by labour market, and on the other hand, contribute to the realization of their role society and simulation eously to their empowerment, thus allowing people to more actively participate in their communities. Despite the remarkable concern over the development of paramount skills such as creativity or entrepreneurship, we treasure the idea that the education process should not only be necessary and sustainable, it should also be fun and appealing to young people.

“A lost Generation? NFLearning 4 Youth Employability”left_circle2

Training course in Portugal to investigate innovative and creative way on how young people can acquire different competences and skills increasingly demanded by the labour market.

“Milestones for the European Highway of EVS”

Training cource in Greece to improve the preparation of youth workers and trainers of the youth field on the topic of the European Voluntary Service.

International Cooperation for Development

One of our main concerns is to promote ecenter_circle1 ncounters that may generate synergies of cooperation between the Public Sector, the Private Sector and Civil Society at a trasnational level. We do so through different projects that seek to involve diverse actors and stakeholders in the different stages of the decision – making that affects young people and their communities. Accordingly, we expect to support the improvement of the quality of support systems for youth activities insofar as we compromise to create sustainable networks that facilitate international cooperation, transfer of knowledge, exchange of best practices and commitments, for socially responsible policies.

“Prince, Merchant and Citizen as one: CSR in Europe” 

Multi-measure projects with activities in Portugal, Italy, Poland and Turkey, set to promote the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as the corporate voluntary manifestation of Active Participation.

“Creative Construction: (G8)way 2 Entrepreneurship”center_circle2

Partnership Building Activity designed to explore different sub-themes related to the promotion of the youth entrepreneurship and, remarkably, entrepreneurship education.

Mobility for Intercultural learning

We subscribe the mind-set by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) that pluralism is built on “the genuine recognition of, and respect for, diversity and the dynamics of cultural traditions, ethnic and cultural identities, religious beliefs, artistic, literary and socio-economic ideas and concepts”, and that “the harmonious interaction of persons and groups with varied identities is essential for achieving social cohesion”. Moreover, we believe that offering youngsters the possibility to encounter and interact with peers from different social and cultural backgrounds, diverse regions and countries, is the first step to promote Intercultural Dialogue. Tright_circle3herefore, we set forth projects in which participants undertake a striking process of Intercaltural Learning, the touchstone to what regards the promotion of greater intercultural understanding, social inclusion and non-discrimination.

“1 step in, 1000 steps forward towards intercultural learning”

Study Session in France developed to deepen participants’ competences iright_circle2n promoting intercultural learning.

“Be Beautiful! Youth Exchange on health and inclusion!”

Youth Exchange in Italy to promote healthy life styles in order to prevent health problems and guaranteeing a better access to health care.

Featured Activities


“From Europe to Asia: Capitalizing Experience in Youth Work” is 23 month capacity building project that involves 7 partners from Italy, Portugal, Malta, Slovenia, Indonesia and the Philippines with the

Amplifier Seminar

The concern over the future has been stressed by all youth organizations we have encountered during the last months. The uncertainly around the next European programme for youth has raised

Raise a Problem, Get An Answer

The “Raise a problem, get an answer” is a project that will last 17 months and will be implemented in 4 countries (Estonia, Italy, Lithuania and Romania) with 8 youth

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