The TDM 2000 International General Assembly, the superior decision-making body of the TDM 20000 International, gathering all members, met this year on the 5th-7th August in Cagliari, Italy.
Here is a summary of the outcome of the AGM:
1.The members discussed and decide on the budget and approved the accounts.

2. Tthe General Assembly elected a new Executive Board for a one-year mandate.
The following candidates were elected and will assume the following functions as of 1 January 2013:
a. President: Ricardo Neves
b. Vice-President: Angelica Perra
c. Secretary: Armel Sukovic
d. Secretary: Duncan Muscat
e. Responsible for the development of the Network: Murat Akbiyik
f. Internal auditor: Annibale Morsillo
3. The General Assembly discussed strategic priorities and agreed on Action Plan for 2012/2013. If you are interested to see it, just write us and we will gladly send it to you.