Step into the Digital Library!
Here, TDM 2000 International has carefully curated a treasure trove of valuable insights and research materials spanning a myriad of topics closely intertwined with youth engagement, and the very essence of knowledge and values we aspire to share with the world.
Our virtual library is a veritable treasure chest of knowledge, tailored to the inquisitive minds of young individuals, dedicated youth workers, and anyone with a passion for exploring. So, without further ado, embark on your journey of discovery.
Happy reading!

Digital Library
Showing 101-120 of 431
Manual for NGOs - Learn IT tools
This manual has been developed in the framework of the project “Learn IT Tools”, training and networking acvity thatwas held from 23rd to 30th May 2016 in Braunlage, Germany, financially supported by the Erasmus + Programme over the German National Agency. Read More -
Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018- 2019
Uno strumento come la “Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018-2019”, completa ed aggiornata, testimonia la volontà di stare al passo con le istituzioni europee al fine di coglierne al meglio le opportunità e renderci consapevoli delle possibilità che offrono . La guida include tutte le principali linee di finanziamento della programmazione UE, partendo dai programmi a gestione diretta fino ai programmi di cooperazione interregionale, compreso un capitolo dedicato agli strumenti finanziari. © ESPON Read More -
Open Book of Educational Innovation
Innovation in education is a tough challenge: it is hard to identify it and to know when it can be considered mature enough to be evaluated. With an already busy schedule, innovative educators rarely have the time to communicate about their work, and the term ‘innovation’ itself can in different circumstances be inflated or shied away from. © European Schoolnet Authors: Alexandra Hanna Licht, Evita Tasiopoulou, Patricia Wastiau Editors: Roger Blamire, Ed Prosser Coordination: Caroline Kearney, Jessica Massini, Danosh Nasrollahi Design: Iddi fix Read More -
Resolution on the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027
This is Resolution of the Council of the European Union and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field: The European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027. Read More -
Classification of learning activities (CLA) MANUAL
Since the treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam included education and training as part of action at Community level, lifelong learning has been a key element of the education and training policy in Europe. The concept of lifelong learning (LLL) is not simply a summing up of traditional education programmes and modern learning opportunities. While traditional educational institutions have been (and still are) primarily concerned with transmitting knowledge, modern learning opportunities and the LLL approach emphasize the development of individual capabilities and each person’s capacity to learn. © European Union, 2016 Read More -
The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions
Women’s labour market participation in the European Union has increased over recent decades. In 2014, women comprised almost 46% of people active in the EU labour market. Nevertheless, women’s participation rates are still systematically lower than those of men in almost all Member States. © European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2016 Read More -
Portfolio of employability skills for young people
Within the framework of OVPELO project, all partners are willing to create an innovative and experimental tool to help you, as a current learner, for self-evaluation focusing on competences you are developing/have developed during a volunteering experience. Read More -
Strengthening Local Democracy in Armenia
“Development does not start or stop with the production of goods. It starts with the people and the useable resources of people, such as motivation, initiative, organizational discipline. Without this, all resources remain potential and untapped ...." Since joining the Council of Europe, the consolidation of democratic principles and practices is progressing in the Eastern Partnership countries and so is in Armenia. Democratic institutions, freedom of elections and check and balances of power are among the objectives that the recent Armenia has posed to itself for peace and development for the whole country. The following guidelines, will give practical hints to all those who are seizing the challenge and embark on a new form and participative local governance! Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of the European Association of Local Democracy Lusine Alexandryan, Delegate of LDA Foundation Armenia Read More -
Governance and financing of apprenticeships
Apprenticeships have been widely acknowledged as an important policy tool to respond to the current socioeconomic challenges that the European Union (EU) faces, and in particular high youth unemployment. As evidence suggests, combining school-based teaching with company-based training eases the transition from education to work. Indeed, those countries with well-established apprenticeship systems experience lower levels of youth unemployment. © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2016; Cedefop (2016). Governance and financing of apprenticeships. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 53. Read More -
Erasmus Plus Factsheet
The EU Programme for education, training, youth and sport (2014-2020) -
Youth Work and non-formal learning
This publication marks a quarter of a century of EU youth programmes accompanied by EU youth policy. It brings together a range of views and highlights best practices with the aim of stimulating debate about what youth work and non-formal learning can contribute, alongside other sectors, to European education. From diverse viewpoints, it reviews EU cooperation in the field, points to successes and sets out possible future scenarios, particularly in the context of the Erasmus+ Programme (2014-2020). © European Union and the authors of the articles in this publication, 2015 : Martine Reicherts , Tomi Kiilakoski, Pascal Lejeune, Claudius Siebel, Hans-Georg Wicke, Ulrike Wisser, Howard Williamson, Hanjo Schild, Darko Markovic, Juan-Nielsen, Monika Novosadona, Ioana-Maria- Carmen Pantera, Robert Arnkil, Jorge Benedicto, Clive Bonnici ; Cover picture: ©2015 Artis Rams. All rights reserved. Read More -
Potential and challenges of e participation in the European Union
This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. European countries have started exploring e-participation as a way to regain citizens' trust and revitalise European democracy by developing a more responsive, transparent and participatory decision-making process. The main objectives of the study are to identify best practices in EU Member States, describe e-participation tools and initiatives at the EU level, and explain the benefits and challenges of e-participation. © European Union, 2016 - Elisa LIRONI, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) Read More -
Supporting Quality Journalism through Media and Information Literacy
MIL - Media and Information Literacy used to be seen as the responsibility of the educational sector mostly targeting younger people in full-time education. This responsibility has to be extended to all stakeholders who are in a position to reach citizens of all age groups where they currently are and create new dissemination networks for MIL knowledge and skills. © Council of Europe, January 2020 - Martina Chapman and Markus Oermann Read More -
coLAB Toolkit: Inclusive practices towards refugees in higher education (2020)
CoLAB, a collaboration between five higher education institutions in Europe, is born from the observation that many refugees bring with them substantial professional experience and qualifications. Unfortunately, their prior achievements may not be recognized by their new host communities, and it is common for refugees to experience higher than average levels of unemployment, or to be employed below their level of skill. © Council of Europe, November 2019, English publication Read More -
Media freedom regulation and trust
Our states are undergoing unprecedented levels of media change, with a shift of media consumption from traditional to digital channels and especially onto online platforms. This has had major implications for the complex system of media funding, ethics and regulation. The media sector is faced with major financial difficulties and decline of trust. Not surprising, as consuming news and information on social media involves challenges ranging from a lack of fact checking, confusion about news sources to online disinformation, hateful rhetoric and electoral manipulation. © Council of Europe, February 2020 - Damian Tambini Read More -
Media Literacy for all
Being media literate means being able to critically understand and evaluate media content and to responsibly and safely use digital media services. Media literacy helps us engage with others in the public sphere, using the creative and participatory potential that new technologies and services can offer. Nowadays, it also includes understanding how data is used and how algorithms and all can influence media production and choices. The importance of community media in supporting the formation of an ‘informed citizenry’ is well recognized by the Council of Europe. © Council of Europe, February 2020 - Martina Chapman, Nadia Bellardi, Helmut Peissl Read More -
General report Grevio
This First General Report on the activities of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) covers the period from September 2015 to May 2019 and provides a comprehensive summary of the results of GREVIO’s first eight reports as well as the findings emerging from final draft reports adopted as of May 2019. © Council of Europe, April 2020 Read More -
Annual report Journalism Platform
This publication presents the annual assessment of threats to media freedom in the Council of Europe’s member states in 2019, by the partner organisations to the Safety of Journalists Platform. © Council of Europe, March 2020 Read More
Showing 101-120 of 431