Step into the Digital Library!
Here, TDM 2000 International has carefully curated a treasure trove of valuable insights and research materials spanning a myriad of topics closely intertwined with youth engagement, and the very essence of knowledge and values we aspire to share with the world.
Our virtual library is a veritable treasure chest of knowledge, tailored to the inquisitive minds of young individuals, dedicated youth workers, and anyone with a passion for exploring. So, without further ado, embark on your journey of discovery.
Happy reading!

Digital Library
Showing 41-60 of 431
Results and Recommendation from local eventsThis publication is designed to provide guidelines to youth NGOs who organise events stimulating cross-sectorial cooperation based on the experience and lessons learned during the implementation of the project "Connect- the art of youth participation: building connections to shape our future". It outlines the steps to be taken and the measures that can be implemented to provide for a successful event. "Connect" is funded by the Erasmus + Program Read More
Cooperation Between Youth NGOsThe research on "Models of Cooperation between Youth NGOs & Policy Makers" aims to create a collection of existing cooperation between youth NGOs and policymakers in each partner country. In the document you can find 90 practices all over Europe, investigated by the partners of the project "Connect- the art of youth participation: building connections to shape our future" in Italy, Serbia, Estonia, Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, France, and Slovakia. The research has been produced with the support of the Erasmus + Program Read More
Tools strategies on participationThis Manual contains a collection of tools and strategies for stimulating youth participation and youth activation and cooperation between policy makers and youth NGOs. The manual contains a wide range of youth work training activities, educational games and strategies that increase youth participation and engagement. Read More
Collection of Best PracticiesThis research contains a collection of best practices in green and sustainable sports and outdoor activities. The activities analyzed refer to good practices collected from the countries involved in the partnership: Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Romania. The research was carried out as part of the European project "Green Sport and Outdoor Activities for Environmental Awareness and Lifestyle" a small-scale partnership of the Erasmus Plus program. Read More
Youth WavesThis manual was produced under the project "Youth Waves Surfers: Multiplier effect for Youth Clubs," small scale partnership Erasmus Plus program, by partners participating in the project and representing the following countries: Bulgaria, Italy and Portugal. The manual contains the set of rules and procedures necessary for opening and running a youth club in the countries involved in the partnership. There is also a collection of good practices and success stories. Read More
EurVoice manualThe partners of the "EurVoice" project have prepared a series of educational workshops that can be used in youth work, as well as in activities for youth workers. You can choose from a wide range of workshops whose objectives are to promote active citizenship and social responsibility in the local communities, to encourage youth participation and advocacy and foster mutual understanding between young people. Get inspired and try our EURvoice workshops, which have been developed by experienced youth workers. They contain detailed instructions, as well as useful tips and recommendations on how to get the most out of the activity in an online and offline environment and how to involve youth with fewer opportunities. Read More
Unveiling competence gaps: A comparative analysis in the cultural sector for talent transformationHere you’ll find the results of the desk research on which both the Manual and the Talent Self-Assessment Tool are based. Explore our YW4CULT project’s desk research findings, delving into the definitions of talent, current competencies, and prevailing trends in the cultural sector. Download now to uncover valuable insights shaping the journey from talent to competence! Read More
Talent Self-Assessment ToolThis innovative tool is designed to help young artists and creatives explore and enhance their unique talents and soft skills. Based on extensive research conducted by the YW4CULT project consortium, this self-assessment tool empowers individuals to gain valuable insights into their talents and competencies. The self-assessment tool revolves around key competencies and skills that are highly relevant in today’s labour market, such as digital competence, critical thinking, leadership, emotional intelligence, and more. For young artists, it prioritizes vital competencies including communication skills, teamwork, flexibility, creativity, and cultural awareness – the very skills often in demand in the cultural and creative sector. Read More
Empowering creative Youth: A comprehensive manual for talent transformation and competence development in the cultural sectorDiscover our Manual, an invaluable resource for young artists and creatives. Dive into 4 modules covering talent, personal, entrepreneurial, and professional competencies. Enhance your soft skills and embark on a journey to success. This manual is designed for trainers and facilitators willing to help young artists and creatives build and strengthen their soft skills, but it can be used by anyone who’s organizing workshops or training courses based on the SOLABs methodology. Read More
BOOKLET OF GOOD PRACTICES ON GREEN SPORT & OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - For Environmental Awareness and LifestyleThis manual is an educational and informational tool created as a part of the Green Sport and Outdoor Activities for Environmental Awareness & Lifestyle, an 18 month long-term project within the Key Action 2 of theErasmus Plus Programme, which main aim is to share and exchange good practices on the impact of green sports and outdoor activities. Through its activities, the project intends to encourage a healthy and inclusive lifestyle, by working for a healthy environment. Read More
TDM 2000 International| Environmental Sustainability PlanThe Environmental Sustainability Plan of the network details all the established environmental practices that the organization used in different areas of their work and what are the short and long-term objectives of TDM 2000 International to be more sustainable. Read More
The rise in cRISEs_Toolkit
“The rise in cRISEs" survival Toolkit is the main result of the seminar with the same title, which aimed to share best practices among youth workers (Professional Development Activity). The project financed by Erasmus+ programme, took place in Porto, Portugal in November 2022. The project was developed for sharing best practices used by different organisations in order to tackle the role of youth workers in preventing and supporting young people's motivation, self improvement, and participation during the crisis. Funded by the Juventude em Ação, Portugal Disclaimer Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Read More -
YouPlay - YOUth PLAYful engagement Research on youth participationThe research on the situation of youth participation realized in the frame of the project "YouPlay- YOUth PLAYful engagement" funded by the Erasmus Programme. The aim of the Research was: to collect good practices on games, tools, and other didactical activities on the participation of young people and people in general, developed at the local or international level. To reach young people and collect through surveys their points of view and proposals for improvement and inspiration for the creation of the education game on the Sustainable Development Goals. To collect the ideas of youth workers and other educators for the development of thegame. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. ***Questo manuale è stato realizzato con il supporto e il contributo economico della RAS - Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna - Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - L.R. n.3/2009, art. 9, comma 9.*** Read More
Environmental sustainability in football: Modules for Managers & Sport ClubsThe manual wants to be an answer to the challenges identified in the project in order to offer managers the necessary tools so that they are able to effectively put environmental measures into practice within their clubs. The Environmental measures cover the issues of sports apparel, water and energy consumption, transportation, and waste management. The manual also contains some deeper information about a number of related issues, with related links. The Manual has been created on the framework of the project GreenCoach, co-founded by the Erasmus + project. Questo Manuale è stato realizzato con il supporto e il contributo economico della RAS- Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna- Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - L.R. n.3/2009, art.9, comma 9. Disclaimer The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Read More
Health and Fitness Assessment for Seniors Manual for fitness professionalsThis module covers non-formal education of sports for all coaches and fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers) on conducting recreational sports and PA for older people (65+). Within this specific module, we will develop a general PA programme for older people (65+) suited for 3 types of most common health conditions (back pain, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis). We will educate sport for all coaches and fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers) for conducting this programme and its specifics. The publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. Read More
Recommendations for implementing HEPA for seniorsThis publication is a Research and analysis of the implementation of the current HEPA for seniors guidelines in Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. As well as best practices on existing recreational sports activities for seniors, and the analysis of the needs and conditions of sport for all coaches, fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers), elderly people, and general practitioners. The document is a baseline for the development of Recommendations for implementing HEPA for seniors. The publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. Read More
Fueling Innovation in Non-Formal EducationManual on game-based learning, gamification & good practices in youth work. The Manual was developed under the framework of the project "Fueling Innovation in NFE", mobility of youth workers, co-funded by the Italian National Agency and coordinated by TDM 2000 International. "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Read More
ESTEEM: Women entrepreneurship- Literature ReviewThe report’s primary goal is to provide new and established women entrepreneurs with tools and information on the state of the art of entrepreneurship mainly in Europe, reflecting skills and challenges, leadership and gender, etc. The review focuses on aspects identified by literature as transversal to different societies. It was realized under the framework of the project ESTEEM-Enhance and Stimulate Trust while Exploring new forms of Entrepreneurship Modules), funded with support from the European Commission (Project Number: 2020-1-FR01- KA202-080354). Disclaimer: This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. Read More
Showing 41-60 of 431