Step into the Digital Library!
Here, TDM 2000 International has carefully curated a treasure trove of valuable insights and research materials spanning a myriad of topics closely intertwined with youth engagement, and the very essence of knowledge and values we aspire to share with the world.
Our virtual library is a veritable treasure chest of knowledge, tailored to the inquisitive minds of young individuals, dedicated youth workers, and anyone with a passion for exploring. So, without further ado, embark on your journey of discovery.
Happy reading!

Digital Library
Showing 381-400 of 431
International communication resource packThis Resource Pack is meant to be a practical toolkit for youth work in the context of intercultural communication. It contains a set of tools and methods for youth activities, some personal insights of other youth workers involved in intercultural communication projects as well as theoretical inputs and references for further work in this area. The Resource Pack is meant to be something of a recipe book with examples of youth work tools that are both filled with content and flexible to adapt to particular needs of its users. Read More
Language & culture on trial: Effective and sensitive communicationBooklet about case studies and experiences taken from European youth leaders on the topic of intercultural communication, during the ‘Effective and Sensitive Intercultural Communication’ seminar in September 2006. Read More
Social inclusion. T-Kit No. 8This T-Kit is a tool for youth workers and trainers, to offer them theoretical and practical tools to work with and use when training young people. Read More
Time for inclusionReport about the Salto Youth Inclusion Forum held in Antwerpen between 12 and 15th of October, 2006.
Fit for Life. Using sports as an educational tool for the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunitiesThis booklet provides youth workers and youth educators with background information and practical tips designed to help them use sport and outdoor activities as an educational tool in their work with young people with fewer opportunities. Read More
Compass. Manual for human rights education with young peopleCompass has become a reference manual for many young people involved in value-based youth work and non-formal education.
Compasito. Manual on human rights education for childrenCompasito builds on the philosophy and educational approaches of ‘Compass’. As with ‘Compass’, it uses a non-formal educational methodology and a structure that provides theoretical and practical support to users of the manual. Read More
Companion. A campaign guide about education and learning for change in Diversity, Human Rights and ParticipationCompanion – a Campaign compass - has been produced to help you understand what is what in the ‘All Different – All Equal Campaign’, how you can use it, and where to go for more. If you are a campaigner, an activist, an educator or just a concerned citizen of the 21st century, look around, take your bearings, read on – and help us bring to life the campaign slogan: all different – all equal. Read More
Gender matters: A manual on addressing gender-based violence affecting young peopleThis manual is a resource for working on issues of gender and gender-based violence affecting young people, with young people. Read More
Bringing both sides together… Women in EuroMed: A Kaleidoscopic sea of roles and placesThis training event was intended for youth workers and youth leaders who are experienced in the Euromed Youth Programme (Actions Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service & Support Measures) experienced in gender issues as trainer, youth worker or volunteer. Read More
Bringing both sides together… Democracy within the EuroMed context: Illusion or reality?EuroMed Youth Educational Report.
Over the rainbow: a practical booklet about setting up interpersonal LesBiGay projects - including young lesbians, gays, bisexuals and young people questioning their sexual orientationThis booklet is based on the SALTO Training Course “E.M.power young women from ethnic minorities”: a partnership between SALTO Inclusion, SALTO Cultural Diversity, the National Agencies of the United Kingdom and Denmark. Read More
E.M. Power: A practical booklet on how to empower young Ethnic Minority womenThis booklet is designed to increase the use of the European Youth in Action programme in work with young women with an ethnic minority background (refugees, diverse minority groups, immigrants, etc.) as a tool for emancipation and empowerment, the TC utilized a variety of theoretical and practical inputs to build on the existing skills and knowledge bases of participants. This booklet aims to share those, and further, inputs with a wider audience. Read More
"Tasting the soup" T-Kit Educational Evaluation in Youth WorkIn this T-Kit we want to show you that evaluation can be thrilling, electrifying, stimulating, fun, exciting… or at least attractive and inspiring enough to integrate it into your educational work. Evaluation becomes Educational Evaluation. Read More
T-Kit N.10: Educational Evaluation in Youth WorkWith this toolkit we would like to address youth workers and trainers and offer them theoretical and practical tools to work with and use when training young people. The T-Kit series is the result of a collective effort involving people from different cultural, professional and organisational backgrounds. Youth trainers, youth leaders in NGOs and professional writers have worked together in order to create high quality publications, which would address the needs of the target group while recognising the diversity of approaches across Europe to each subject. Read More
100 ways to energize groups: Games to use in workshops, meetings and the community100 Ways to Energise Groups: Games to Use in Workshops, Meetings and the Community is one of a series of resources that the Alliance is developing to encourage participation in practice. It is a compilation of energisers, icebreakers and games that can be used by anyone working with groups of people, whether in a workshop, meeting or community setting. Read More
Games & activitiesCompilation of games & activities made by the Life Foundation.
Diverse concepts, diverse practices: Exploring quality in cultural diversity trainingThis booklet aims to present a brief overview of the main issues in that ! eld, providing you a few stepping stones that can help you reflect on your own pedagogy, and map your own path in developing quality cultural diversity training in the future. Read More
PEERing in PEERing out: Peer education approach in cultural diversity projectsAs part of the strategy for reaching the needs of young people the Austrian National Agency for the YOUTH Programme and the SALTO Cultural Diversity resource Centre joined forces to plan and create the PiPo training course in February 2006. Read More
Building Bridges in Conflicts Areas. Educational reportThe Turkish National Agency, SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus, SALTO South East Europe as well as SALTO Cultural Diversity Resource Centres are highly convinced that the following Educational Report will reach the youth workers in different regions and contexts. We hope it will play an important role on the path towards conflict resolution and peace transformation in Europe, especially between young people. Read More
Showing 381-400 of 431