Step into the Digital Library!
Here, TDM 2000 International has carefully curated a treasure trove of valuable insights and research materials spanning a myriad of topics closely intertwined with youth engagement, and the very essence of knowledge and values we aspire to share with the world.
Our virtual library is a veritable treasure chest of knowledge, tailored to the inquisitive minds of young individuals, dedicated youth workers, and anyone with a passion for exploring. So, without further ado, embark on your journey of discovery.
Happy reading!

Digital Library
Showing 321-340 of 431
Managing EmotionsTo realise the importance of acknowledging and expressing emotions. To learn skills for identifying and managing emotions more effectively – both ours and other people's. Read More
Willingness to ResolveTo explore reasons for being unwilling to resolve conflict.
Mapping the ConflictTo learn the technique of mapping. To understand how mapping can be applied in a range of settings and for many purposes. Read More
Designing OptionsTo identify and understand the steps involved in designing options. To learn how ''developing options'' is separate from ''selecting options" Read More
NegotiationTo explore key skills and the structure of negotiation. To practise negotiation skills.
Introduction to MediationTo develop an understanding of the process of mediation. To know when to refer conflicts to professional mediation. To learn the key skills and principles of mediation so that we can assist others to resolve their conflicts in an informal and constructive manner. Read More
Broadening PerspectivesTo gain a sense of what broadening perspectives involves. To consider some specific steps to help broaden perspectives.
Aikido. Will you React or Respond?To introduce participants to Aikido. To raise participants’ awareness of the value of centreing in managing conflict.
Organisational Management T-kitThis T-kit seeks to encourage the development of well managed youth organisations across Europe through the provision of a theoretical foundation and practical application of organisational management techniques. Read More
T-KIT N°3 Project ManagementThe T-Kit has been produced for those who want to develop projects and who are able to refer to their own experiences and own project. Read More
T-Kit n°9 Funding and Financial ManagmentIn each of the T-Kits, the reader finds a combination of theoretical and practical contents to help youth workers, youth organisations and trainers in their day-to-day work with young people. T-Kits are written by groups of experienced trainers and specialists from around Europe. These authors are selected by the Partnership Programme to contribute through their different cultural, professional and organisational backgrounds and profiles. Read More
Domino. A manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intoleranceDomino is a further step in a series of publications of the youth sector of the Council of Europe on education for tolerance. Read More
FOR A FUTURE TO COME International Youth Work on Conflict Management“For a Future to Come ‐ International Youth Work on Conflict Management” aims to promote conflict management initiatives and to enhance the visibility of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission in Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Read More
Coaching GuideA guide that explores the concepts of Coaching,Youth Initiatives and Youth Participation, including practical tools and methods, advice and information, opportunities and support for those encouraging young people’s participation in Youth Initiatives. Read More
Manual for facilitators in non-formal educationManual for facilitators in non-formal education involved in preparing and delivering the programme of study sessions at European Youth Centres Read More
Showing 321-340 of 431