Step into the Digital Library!
Here, TDM 2000 International has carefully curated a treasure trove of valuable insights and research materials spanning a myriad of topics closely intertwined with youth engagement, and the very essence of knowledge and values we aspire to share with the world.
Our virtual library is a veritable treasure chest of knowledge, tailored to the inquisitive minds of young individuals, dedicated youth workers, and anyone with a passion for exploring. So, without further ado, embark on your journey of discovery.
Happy reading!

Digital Library
Showing 301-320 of 431
STARTING MY OWN SMALL BUSINESSA training module on entrepreneurship for students of technical and vocational education and training at secondary level. Starting my own small business is a prototype modular training package in entrepreneurship that is intended to provide supplementary knowledge to young people receiving technical and vocational education and training (TVET), in formal or non-formal settings, so that they may acquire an entrepreneurial mindset and the knowledge to set up a small business, if they so wish. Read More
Equal treatment: Access of young people to the labour market.The study produced upon request by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee on " Differential Treatment of Workers under 25 with a View to their Access to the Labour Market" (PE 538.299) focuses on the questions to which extent the Directive allows to protect young people. Read More
Action research to improve youth and adult literacy. Empowering learners in a multilingual worldWith this guidebook we would like to highlight the importance of multilingual and multicultural contexts for youth and adult literacy. Research and practice are leading the way, and the Post-2015 Agenda to follow the global Education for All initiative emphasizes the importance of culture. Culture gives languages, oral or written, a prominent place as a key means of communication and voice. Read More
Unlocking Doors to Recognition. Setting up strategies for the better recognition of youth work and non-formal education/learning in your contextThis handbook is a key that fits a large number of locks on different doors to recognition.
Recognition of non-formal learning in Europe: Challenges and opportunitiesYouthpass and recognition essays. The paper discusses some of the main obstacles and challenges to a wider recognition and social impact of non-formal learning (NFL) in Europe. Read More
Focus on: Youth EmploymentThis brochure gives some examples of how non-formal learning and the Youth in Action programme contribute to building up young people's knowledge and skills, and give them a glimpse of what it requires to seek and hold down a job or to become an entrepreneur. Read More
Youth Work: Enhancing Youth Employability?This booklet is based on the results of the seminar entitled “Youth Work: Enhancing Youth Employability?”, which took place in April 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Read More
Education pack. All different, all equalIdeas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults.
Mosaic. The training kit for Euro-Mediterranean youth workMosaic is intended to provide theoretical and practical tools for youth workers and trainers to work with and use when training people. More specifically, Mosaic aims to be an intellectually stimulating tool that supplies youth workers, trainers and project leaders interested in Euro-Mediterranean youth co-operation with starting points, essential information and methodological proposals enabling them to understand, address and question common issues present in the reality of Euro-Mediterranean youth projects. Read More
Intercultural Communication. Resource PackThe Resource Pack is meant to be something of a recipe book with examples of youth work tools that are both filled with content and flexible to adapt to particular needs of its users. Read More
Understanding Youth. Exploring Identity and its Role in International Youth WorkUnderstanding You(th) combines an overview of theories on the notion of identity with testimonials from practitioners, and practical methods that can be used when working with young people. It is a practical tool for youth workers to respond to the growing challenges of the concept of identity in youth work. Read More
T-Kit No.4 Intercultural LearningWe have tried to bring together our varied experiences and ideas to produce a T-kit which will help you to come to your own conclusions about intercultural learning theory and practice within the context of youth work and training. Read More
Cartoon books against intolerance. Starting points for working with young people on responses to intoleranceStarting points for working with young people on responses to intolerance. This brochure has been produced to help teachers, youth workers and members of non-governmental organisations to put this strange idea into practice. Read More
Running Conflict Resolution CoursesTo familiarise trainers with the training principles underlying the material and the design of the manual. To offer suggestions on how the material can be used effectively. Read More
Icebreakers and EnergisersTo help participants feel comfortable with the sessions, with the trainer, and with each other. To focus participants' attention. To stimulate participants’ level of energy and enthusiasm. Read More
Understanding ConflictTo realise that conflict is all around us; and that avoiding it is impossible and undesirable. To learn how to identify the clues of conflict. Read More
The Win/Win ApproachTo consider types of behaviour we use to resolve conflict. To understand the principles and the value of a win/win approach. Read More
Creative ResponseTo understand how powerfully the messages we give ourselves affect the outcomes when faced with conflict. To explore ways of transforming our thought patterns Read More
EmpathyTo understand the concept of empathy. To explore communication patterns which block and which foster empathy. To develop and practise the skill of active listening. Read More
Appropriate AssertivenessTo explore the differences between aggressive, passive and assertive behaviours. To learn the formula for "I" Statements. To develop and practise the skill of active listening. Read More
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