The activities of our project Green Sport and Outdoor Activities for Environmental Awareness and Lifestyle, an European educational project based on the exchange of good practices in green and sustainable sports, continue. After the first international activity, hosted in Cagliari in July 2022, activities were organized in Cyprus where the international seminar was hosted (26 th February, 1 st March 2023).
After a preliminary desk research phase aimed at identifying the impact of green and sustainable sports in the communities involved, the delegates from the associations involved, moved to Cyprus to formalize the research and lay the groundwork for the development of subsequent actions.
During the seminar, the delegates had the opportunity to discuss and analyze the research results up close, work on and improve the products produced, and at the same time practice green and sustainable sports by testing firsthand their impact on physical and mental and physical well-being.
The project activities continue, and, after this training activity, a manual is planned to be produced that collects the results, good practices and feedback that emerged during the seminar. All the material produced will be usable in print and online form and made available in multiple languages.