

Together Towards Democracy: Connecting Europe and Sardinia through European Values- EU4Sardinia The Awareness of the functioning mechanism of the European Parliament is too often very distant, miss understood, or even missing in many areas of the Union. therefore the activities will take place in the Region of Sardinia (one of the poorest regions in Europe)

Changemakers for European Democracy


Voting is a fundamental right and stepping stone of active citizenship and democratic participation. In light of the EU distrust and fewer implication of youth in democratic life, 7 NGOs from different countries decided to gather and make a change. Although the last 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections experienced a higher voter turnout than



E-makers is a Cooperation Partnership Project in the field of Youth funded under the Erasmus + Programme. The project brings together 4 partners from Spain, Croatia, Turkey, and Italy and aims to improve environmental and social entrepreneurship activities of youth work through digitalization. This objective will be achieved through the implementation of several activities that

CONNESSIONI – Il Villaggio Globale dell’Impegno Sociale


7 anni fa nasce il convegno “CONNESSIONI – Il Villaggio Globale dell’Impegno Sociale”, un congresso internazionale della durata di 4 giorni che mette a confronto esponenti del mondo del volontariato di ogni parte d’Europa e del mondo, sui temi della solidarietà e dell’impegno sociale, nella cornice dell’accoglienza turistica sarda. Un convegno nel quale gli approfondimenti



CLIMATUBERS – INFLUENCERS FOR CHANGE: Participatory Video and Digital Storytelling against climate-driven inequalities.   The project CLIMATUBERS- INFLUENCERS FOR CHANGE is a project funded under the Erasmus + Programme, KA3 Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training.   The Overall Objective of the project is to use the Participatory Video and Digital Storytelling to articulate

SPORTive: Sport for Inclusion and Values Education


The "SPORTive" project is co-financed by the Programme Erasmus+ under the umbrella of the action "European Solidarity Corps - Solidarity Projects". The project is  mainly aimed at disadvantaged youngsters aged 15- 25 years old. Through activities and workshops that use sport and non-formal learning as educational methods, we intend to provide effective tools to promote

Connessioni – Villaggio globale dell’impegno sociale


L’iniziativa, che coinvolgerà associazioni di volontariato sarde ed europee, intende far emergere le potenzialità di crescita e rafforzamento dei territori rappresentate dal tessuto delle organizzazioni di volontariato. Il convegno insisterà in particolar modo sullo scambio di buone pratiche, sull’analisi di casi studio e sull’ideazione di progetti futuri. I lavori si concluderanno con l’approvazione di una

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