“TRAIN: Tracing Integration Policies through Structured Dialogue”, “TRAIN” in short, is a project realized within the field of the Erasmus+ programme, specifically under the Key Action 3, aimed towards the creation of a link among youngsters, specifically migrants and refugees, and local and international policy-makers.
The main aim of this project is to increase the process of achieving the aforementioned objective by creating a solid and reliable link between youths and policy makers mediated by European institutions and Civil Society Organization. We plan to achieve these goals by the means of Structured Dialogue, an effective tool that promotes the inclusion of youngsters originating from different background in a bottom up approach to decision-making and politics.
The project will involve participants belonging to the following categories: Youths between 13 and 30 years, Youths with fewer opportunities, Youngsters belonging to minorities, migrants and refugees, Representatives of associations involved in youth issues and migrants, Policy-makers and representatives of institutions, without age restrictions, Political activists, Youth workers, Journalists and individuals able to influence population’s opinion.
The activities will gather policy-makers and youth, so that the latter will be involved actively in the decisional process at different levels, starting from local up to the European level. Activities will therefore be divided in 3 main “categories”: local activities, International activities and finally online activities.
- To promote youth work and inclusion of marginalized groups, to stimulate a strong collaboration between youth fields and reception centres for asylum seekers;
- To develop programmes for youths that allows for the integration among different groups. To encourage inclusion, cohesion, tolerance, comprehension of diversity;
- To develop tools and strategies for marginalized groups;
- To create programmes aimed at the promotion social innovation, instruction, and innovative work opportunities for most vulnerable categories.
- To develop an agenda for the integration of migrants to fully harness their potential.
Start Date: 01/02/2019
End Date: 31/07/2020
Action: KA3
Activity: Structured Dialogue
Venue: Italy – Romania – Finland – Estonia – Bulgaria – Belgium – Austria – Portugal – Malta
Partner Associations:
Associazione TDM 2000 International, Italy;
Associazione TDM 2000, Italy;
Asociatia Initiative si Poiecte pentru Tineret Imago Mundi, Romania;
Step Europe ry, Finland;
TDM 2000 Eesti, Estonia;
Law and Internet Foundation, Bulgaria;
Centre for European Progression, Belgium;
Be-Education, Equality, Sustainability, Austria;
Geoclube, Portugal;
National Youth Council Maltese, Malta.