The project stems from the consideration that Sport is a valid tool for creating connections between young people, regardless of their social, cultural or economic background. Sport, as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development states “is an important development factor, contributes to the promotion of peace, tolerance and mutual respect, pursuing objectives such as health, education and social inclusion”.
The project intends to disseminate a series of local, national and international good practices that use sport as an educational tool for young people; It will be divided into two main phases: the first step will be the realization of an international Erasmus+ Training Course with the aim of providing tools and good practices connected with youth education in sport and through sport, supporting the people who work in the field of education in promoting the development of skills, knowledge and inclusive attitudes among young people. In the second phase, based on the results collected during the International course, a regional cycle of 4 courses and 8 workshops on the same themes will be organized. The meetings will be held in the areas of Cagliari, Sassari, Oristano and Nuoro.
The activities will target young people, disadvantaged youngsters and members of the population at risk of social exclusion.
A final event which will include the realization of workshops on the teching of sports values, Inspirational talks, and a sports fair, will spell the end of the project activities.
Specific objectives of the project:
– To encourage the sharing of tools and good practices aimed at educating young people and promoting civil values through sport.
– To develop ideas and inputs for the development of new tools related to sport, education and personal and professional development of young people, promoting their active citizenship and intercultural dialogue.
– To provide an overview of existing sports and education policies and programs at local, national, European and international level.
– To develop a local and international network of youth workers working with sports-based learning methods, to create new concerted strategies, projects and discussion platforms.
– To foster the promotion of social, sporting and European values among young people, encouraging behaviours that lead to a more inclusive and respectful society of diversity, fighting against discrimination and racism.
Start Date: 11/02/2019
End Date: 10/02/2020
Venue: Cagliari, Sassari, Oristano, Nuoro
Partner Associations:
Croce Rossa Italiana – Comitato di Cagliari
Amici di Sardegna ONLUS – ONLUS
Associazione Culturale Sarditinera Onlus – ONLUS
Associazione S'animu – Associazione
Associazione Promozionale Sociale Sei – Associazione no profit
Asociacion Dianova España – ONG
SIEDAS – Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Association of Slovakia – Civic Society Organization