Milestones for the European Highway of EVS” was a training course that enhanced the preparation of youth workers and trainers in the youth field on the topic of European Voluntary Service. The main objectives of the course were: (1) to increase the number of volunteers exchanged by the EVS programme; (2) to promote the cooperation among organisations coming different backgrounds; (3) to emphasise the role of EVS as a tool for young people to become more active in their society; (4) to promote the EVS as an instrument that can support young people to enter the labour market; (4) to make the EVS flexible and able to adapt to the change in the society and the needs of the youth.

24 participants, representing 12 organisations and coming from 12 different countries took part in the training course. Non-formal education was used and special sessions on the EVS programme held. Topics discussed were problems that may arise during an EVS project, youth sector trends, project development, et cetera. Partnership building activities were also done in the form of presentations on participant’s home organisations and proposals for future collaborations.

The participants reflected on the meaning of the eight key competences of the Youth Pass on a daily basis, ensuring a more effective learning process. The training course ended with a planned creation of a website to create an intranet for those organisations active in the field of EVS.

The course was held from 21st to 28th November 2011 in Attica, Greece.

Start Date: 21/11/2011
End Date: 28/11/2011
Action: 3.1
Activity: Training Course
Venue: Athens (Greece)
Partner Associations:

Europaiki Koinonia Politiki Ekfrasi Thesmoi   (Greece)
OSMEH-OrganizacijazaSolidarnost, Mobilnost, Ekologiju I Humanost   (Serbia)
Hello Europa Association   (Hungary)
Terra Di Mezzo 2000 Malta   (Malta)
RoversveitinRagnarrok   (Iceland)
Beyond Barriers Association   (Albania)
Association for Democratic Prosperity ZID   (Montenegro)
Association Builder of Peace   (Bosnia And Herzegovina)
Evropske centrum mladezeBreclav/European Youth Centre Breclav   (Czech Republic)