The project “Get addicted to sport values” (GETVAL), Co-funded by the European Commission under the umbrella of the Programme Erasmus+ Sport, is an eighteen months collaborative partnership which involves ten public and private entities.

The main aim of the project is to promote and develop integrity in sports, underlining its importance in building the values of young generations. The project will promote the positive values of sport at the grassroots level, fighting against anti-fair play actions such as doping and match-fixing, as well as discrimination and violence.

The targets of the action are children and the people involved in their educational process (parents, teachers and sport coaches). The implementation of the project activities will allow to reach a set of specific objectives such as to encourage positive behaviours (equality and fair play), combating issues as doping and match fixing through educational sport activities, to develop and collect sporting methods on education for sport values, to provide governance and policy guidelines to sport institutions and to underline the role of EU Programmes in the building of values of young Europeans.

The partners of the project are sport federations, sport organizations, international youth NGOs, schools and governmental institutions from five different EU countries (Italy, Turkey, Romania, Malta, Greece). All of them are involved in the implementation of the foreseen activities.

For more information please visit:

Start Date: 01/01/2017
End Date: 31/12/2018
Website: Visit Website

Partner Associations:

TDM 2000 International – Italy

Comune di Bari (Bari Municipality); Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera – Italy

Istanbul Valiligi (Governorship of Istanbul); Ihsan Zakiroglu Ortaokulu – Turkey

Eurodemos; Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret Iasi (County Directorate for Youth and Sport of Iasi) – Romania

TDM 2000 Malta; Malta Youth Football Association – Malta

Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete – Greece