Creating EU Villages aims to bring more opportunities and European values into remote areas which used to be left behind when it comes to youth work. Rural youth will be empowered to create their own youth clubs to gather and run activities, as well as youth-led info desks to support their peers and raise overall participation.
Those working with rural youngsters will receive useful tools to successfully reach their target group and their communities will benefit from increased opportunities.

The main objective of Creating EU Villages is to equip young people in rural areas with the essential tools, skills, connections with stakeholders, and other key elements that will increase their participation in society.

The aim is to empower them to create new spaces for collaboration, cooperation, and the sharing of opportunities within their communities.

The project includes various activities: press releases, newsletters, promotion of project results through its website, series of national-level multiplier events and a seminar with a conference.

Create EU Village project involves three partner organisations based in Austria, Hungary and Italy and runs for 21 months between March 2023 and December 2024.

Start Date: 01/03/2023
End Date: 01/12/2024
Action: 2022-3-AT01-KA210-YOU-000096464
Activity: Erasmus + Small-scale Partnership in youth
Venue: Austria, Italy, Hungary
Partner Associations:

Austria – Austrian Association for Cultural Relations 

Italy – TDM 2000 International 

Hungary – The International Alliance for Cultural Relations