The training course aimed to investigate the best ways that young people can acquire different competences and skills which are increasingly demanded by the labour market. Hereby it was looked at how these skills and competences can be drawn from non-formal education platforms, and complement formal education.
The successful targeting of individual skills and competences was realised as a crucial factor in ‘landing’ a job. Furthermore, entrepreneurship was discussed as a solution to unemployment. Entrepreneurship is often seen as a solution to reduce unemployment and counteract insufficient job offers. Means other than formal education that may support European policies combating the perils of youth unemployment were also explored.
The training course was held in Porto, Portugal, from 30th April – 6th May 2012and brought together 28 youth leaders, trainers, youth workers, project managers and volunteers from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Estonia.
Start Date: 30/04/2012
End Date: 06/05/2012
Action: 4.3
Activity: Training Course
Partner Associations:
ALINHAS? Associação Desportiva Juvenil (Portugal)
Associazione TDM 2000 (Italy)
INARE (Greece)
TDM 2000 (Germany)
EUROCIRCLE (Eurocircle)
Youth center " Bāze " (Latvia)
Strichting Upact (Netherlands)
Vilniaus liberalaus jaunimo organizacija (Lithuania)
Youth Art (Romania)
Compass (Hungary)
TERRA DI MEZZO (TDM) 2000 (Malta)
European Institute Pro Futuro Europae (Poland)
Nadácia Krajina Harmónie (Slovakia)
TDM 2000 (Estonia)