‘’Forward looking cooperation in Youth Work: a dream getting through’’(acronym 4EU&AS) is a KA2 project under the Erasmus + Programme, that will last for 23 months and involves five partners from Italy, Indonesia, Philippines, Portugal and Belgium.

The highest aim is to create a mobility program among EU and ASEAN Countries by sharing best practices, methodologies and policies with other Countries which are already involved in such programs, with the direct and indirect participation of around 2500 young people.

The project activities will be mainly based on the methodology of Non Formal Education and developed in 4 main directions:

1) LEARNING: youth workers from 5 partner countries will be attending 3 different training courses and 1 seminar to foster active participation and strengthening the role of youth for local development;

2) REALIZING: new ideas at the local level created and implemented by youngsters;

3) SUPPORTING: creation of local info points in Philippines and Indonesia and creating an online platform of collaboration for youth organizations from Europe and Asia;

4) AIMING HIGH: creating a “focus group” for discussing, researching and creating a working paper for a youth mobility program in ASEAN, (visiting the European Commission, the Committee of people working on the development of Erasmus Plus).

This project comes from the long-term cooperation between EU and ASEAN NGOs and is the follow–up idea of the capacity building project EUROASI, aimed to transfer the best practice of the “Youth in Action” program (mobility programme dedicated to youth) in South East Asia.

Start Date: 15/09/2017
End Date: 15/08/2019
Action: KA2
Activity: Capacity Building
Website: Visit Website

Partner Associations:

TDM 2000 International – Italy
GREAT Association – Indonesia
Philippine RED Cross Boracay Chapter – Philippines
Synergia – Portugal
ARS for Progress of People – Belgium