We would like to proudly announce that our application for the operating grant called “Operating grants: civil society cooperation” was approved by European Commission with Erasmus +.
Within this project we are going to implement a series of activities at local level , at international level and online. Our working plan includes a variety of activities focusing at empowering young people and youth organisations in general.
We have also foreseen a number of activities “on the field”: job shadowing, internships, EVS, exchange of professionals, that will be part of our planned activities to empower the capacity of youth organizations and of youngsters. A series of activities are also devoted to favour the validation and recognition of nonformal learning.
We expect to increase the participation of young people and youth organization in mobility projects and in the different programmes offered by the EU in order to favour the acquisition of competences that could make young people more employable, and could stimulate their sense of belonging from the EU and their society, to favour cooperation between the youth field and the others sectors (private and public) and directly or indirectly to empower our network and its members.