Like every year our president, Angelica Perra, took part to the annual Info Day organized by the European Youth Forum .
The event was held on the 10th October in Brussels and its main aim was to inform potential applicants about the call for proposals Erasmus+ KA3 “Civil Society Cooperation in the fields of Youth”. The event is done in cooperation with the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) which takes part with some of its experts, very prepared to clarify the procedures for applying for an operating grant, and for implementing and reporting a good action plan.
Even if we are involved in the Action since 2011, there is always something new to learn and it is a great opportunity for networking with other stakeholders and with the EACEA.
As every year we have been invited by the European Youth Forum and we accepted the invitation because the Event is very well planned and in addition to what mentioned above, it also gives the opportunity to get useful insights on the next year youth policy plans. In fact, the DG EAC Youth Unit was present and introduced the main news of the Erasmus+ Youth Programme for 2020. The new call is quite similar to the 2019 one, with a few changes… the KEY WORDS for the Youth section are “Engage, Connect and Empower” in line with the European Youth Strategy. You will have to keep in mind these 3 words every time that you are writing a project!
Some more novelties:
– the introduction of Exceptional costs for expensive travel for the use of green transport under all actions
– Priorities under Strategic Partnerships, again here the stress for the Youth section is on the participation, networking to improve cooperation and empowerment of youth boosting innovation and competence development through youth work.
Some more novelties:
– the introduction of Exceptional costs for expensive travel for the use of green transport under all actions
– Priorities under Strategic Partnerships, again here the stress for the Youth section is on the participation, networking to improve cooperation and empowerment of youth boosting innovation and competence development through youth work.
Also the European Solidarity Corps doe not present big changes, BUT:
– Exceptional costs for expensive travel for the use of green transport
– Priorities under Volunteering Teams in high priorities areas (environmental and climate challenges; inclusive societies; mental health and well-being)
Ms Frangou and Mr Moschovakos presented also the Commission’s proposal for the youth programme 2021 – 2027.
If you are interested in getting to know more about this, please write to and we will get back to you!