After almost 1 year from the starting of the project “ESTEEM-Enhance and Stimulate Trust while Exploring new forms of Entrepreneurship Models” the partners meet for the first time in Valencia, Spain.

The meeting took place on the 21-22th of September and it aimed to dicuss about the progress of the project, specifically by sharing updates on:

  • finalisation of an European Research on the psychosocial factors that affect entrepreneurship which will be published in Novemeber;
  • and planning of the future actions in each country.

A series of training and coaching activities will start soon in each country where at least 60 entrepreneurs will be involved.

Stay tuned for updates on the activities and don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested to join!

TDM 2000 International is looking forward to host the next Transational Project Meeting in January, in Italy.

#esteem #vet #entrepreneurship #erasmus+