The European Commission has proposed ‘A New Skills Agenda for Europe: Working together to strengthen human capital, employability and competitiveness’ to address the skills challenges that Europe is currently facing. The aim is that everyone should have the key set of competences needed for personal development, social inclusion, active

citizenship and employment. These competences include literacy, numeracy, science and foreign languages, as well as more transversal skills such as digital competence, entrepreneurship competence, critical thinking, problem solving or learning to learn.

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, also known as EntreComp, offers a tool to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations. The framework aims to build consensus around a common understanding of entrepreneurship

competence by defining 3 competence areas, a list of 15 competences, learning outcomes and proficiency levels, which current and future initiatives can refer to.

© European Union, 2016

Margherita Bacigalupo, Panagiotis Kampylis, Yves Punie, Godelieve Van den Brande

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