Showing 1-20 of 36
Collection of recommendations for decision makers
This document brings together insights, ideas, and proposed policies shaped by consultations, surveys, and collaborative actions. It presents an overview of the contribution of the network on the state of youth policies, drawings from EU wide-consultations and suggestions for enhancing EU youth programs. Additionally, it incorporates feedback from European youth NGOs, recommendations formulated during the EU Youth in Democracy and CONNESSIONI events. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Read More -
Policy Paper "Youth Work Seal"
This policy paper is the result of the consultation process undertaken at the local level by the partners involved in the project "Youth Work Seal" in the following countries: Italy,Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Lithuania andHungary. The results in it also refer to online surveys administered through theproject's whose purpose is to support youth participationthrough digital tools and encourage newforms of dialogue with policymakers. Read More -
Advocacy Handbook
This handbook is useful for organisations and aims to serve as a manual to providing information on different formats of advocacy and contains a set of practical tools to plan, implement and evaluate an advocacy process. It contains information for those trying to understand the policy and advocacy world, who want to see change and influence policy makers. Read More -
A concrete and useful tool about NFE. Non-formal educations comes with the concept of “ Lifelong learning” which means that a person should not stop the learning process after finishing the formal educational system ( school, high school, university etc) but to continue during all life. Read More -
The individuating new policies and strategies for the validation and recognition of Non Formal Learning
This publication contains a report about new strategies and policies identified in Lithuania and related to Non Formal Learning. Read More -
Towards inclusive policies and practices in Youth Work. Report on state of art and needs
Research report “Towards inclusive policies and practices in Youth Work. Report on state of art and needs.” looks at the situation and needs among youth workers, young people and other stakeholders in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, Poland and Spain in regard to applying inclusive policies and practices in their work. The report was prepared in the frame of the Erasmus + KA2 project "Tools for equality and Inclusion in Youth Work". Read More -
Handbook of ICT practices for guidance and career development
There is rising awareness of how information and communication technologies (ICT) can support people in their careers. Information about vacancies, labour market trends and learning options easily can be made available. Online training courses, access to validation of competences, and development of basic skills can also be easily accessed, if platforms are made available. © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2018 Read More -
Policy approaches to open education
This study provides the first-ever EU-wide overview of the state of play with policies on open education involving all the 28 Member States. For each Member State, a full account of their understanding of open education and strategic policy approach is given. © European Union, 2017 Read More -
Lifelong Learning Platform
Guidebook to EU DECISION-MAKING IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Gathering 41 organisations, the Lifelong Learning Platform is today the most legitimate interlocutor of the EU institutions in the field of lifelong learning. It continuously defends the need to implement a dialogue across educational sectors and between stakeholders and public institutions at all levels, regional, national and European. Read More -
A toolkit on Quality Standards for Youth Policy
Welcome to this toolkit on quality standards, a practical tool for youth organisations to assess the state of youth policy in their context, whether it is national, regional, local, or European. This toolkit provides you with tools, tips and tricks to look at youth policy and identify what is working well and what is not. Authors: Anthony Burrowes, Catalina Dumbravenu, Valentin Dupouey, Alexandar Ivanov, Karlo Kralj, Ville Majamaa, Lotte Schipper, Sebastian Vogt Read More -
Qualified Youth Workers for Europe
Dear readers, on the one hand, this guide deals theoretically with the issue of the recognition of competences of youth workers and, on the other hand, presents two concrete practical examples. The guide thus works as a quality development tool for training and further education for youth workers. In this sense, it contributes to the transparency of their competences and their recognition and provides an overview of the relevant expert discourse. Authors: Anna Brauckmann, B.A. Mag.a Hanna Krämer-Erklavec Theresa Riechert, M.A. Mag. Klaus Schreiner Dr. Edda Strutzenberger-Reiter Contributors: Marita Gasteiger, B.A. Dipl.-Ing. Natalie Lehner Regina Roland, M.A. Read More -
Youth and Covid-19 Survey Report _English
Impacts on jobs, education, rights and mental well-being -
Manual for NGOs - Learn IT tools
This manual has been developed in the framework of the project “Learn IT Tools”, training and networking acvity thatwas held from 23rd to 30th May 2016 in Braunlage, Germany, financially supported by the Erasmus + Programme over the German National Agency. Read More -
Open Book of Educational Innovation
Innovation in education is a tough challenge: it is hard to identify it and to know when it can be considered mature enough to be evaluated. With an already busy schedule, innovative educators rarely have the time to communicate about their work, and the term ‘innovation’ itself can in different circumstances be inflated or shied away from. © European Schoolnet Authors: Alexandra Hanna Licht, Evita Tasiopoulou, Patricia Wastiau Editors: Roger Blamire, Ed Prosser Coordination: Caroline Kearney, Jessica Massini, Danosh Nasrollahi Design: Iddi fix Read More -
Resolution on the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027
This is Resolution of the Council of the European Union and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field: The European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027. Read More -
Erasmus Plus Factsheet
The EU Programme for education, training, youth and sport (2014-2020) -
Youth Work and non-formal learning
This publication marks a quarter of a century of EU youth programmes accompanied by EU youth policy. It brings together a range of views and highlights best practices with the aim of stimulating debate about what youth work and non-formal learning can contribute, alongside other sectors, to European education. From diverse viewpoints, it reviews EU cooperation in the field, points to successes and sets out possible future scenarios, particularly in the context of the Erasmus+ Programme (2014-2020). © European Union and the authors of the articles in this publication, 2015 : Martine Reicherts , Tomi Kiilakoski, Pascal Lejeune, Claudius Siebel, Hans-Georg Wicke, Ulrike Wisser, Howard Williamson, Hanjo Schild, Darko Markovic, Juan-Nielsen, Monika Novosadona, Ioana-Maria- Carmen Pantera, Robert Arnkil, Jorge Benedicto, Clive Bonnici ; Cover picture: ©2015 Artis Rams. All rights reserved. Read More