Showing 1-12 of 12
SPORT-ENT_Trainer ToolkitThis Publication has been thought to serve as a comprehensive guide of the "Sport-Ent" project, providing an overview of the general framework, the organizations part of the consortium, the main aim and the specific objectives of the project. The core part of the Toolkit consists of a targeted training programmes for sports people in respect of entrepreneurship and football. Read More
BOOKLET OF GOOD PRACTICES ON GREEN SPORT & OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - For Environmental Awareness and LifestyleThis manual is an educational and informational tool created as a part of the Green Sport and Outdoor Activities for Environmental Awareness & Lifestyle, an 18 month long-term project within the Key Action 2 of theErasmus Plus Programme, which main aim is to share and exchange good practices on the impact of green sports and outdoor activities. Through its activities, the project intends to encourage a healthy and inclusive lifestyle, by working for a healthy environment. Read More
Environmental sustainability in football: Modules for Managers & Sport ClubsThe manual wants to be an answer to the challenges identified in the project in order to offer managers the necessary tools so that they are able to effectively put environmental measures into practice within their clubs. The Environmental measures cover the issues of sports apparel, water and energy consumption, transportation, and waste management. The manual also contains some deeper information about a number of related issues, with related links. The Manual has been created on the framework of the project GreenCoach, co-founded by the Erasmus + project. Questo Manuale è stato realizzato con il supporto e il contributo economico della RAS- Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna- Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - L.R. n.3/2009, art.9, comma 9. Disclaimer The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Read More
Health and Fitness Assessment for Seniors Manual for fitness professionalsThis module covers non-formal education of sports for all coaches and fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers) on conducting recreational sports and PA for older people (65+). Within this specific module, we will develop a general PA programme for older people (65+) suited for 3 types of most common health conditions (back pain, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis). We will educate sport for all coaches and fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers) for conducting this programme and its specifics. The publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. Read More
Recommendations for implementing HEPA for seniorsThis publication is a Research and analysis of the implementation of the current HEPA for seniors guidelines in Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. As well as best practices on existing recreational sports activities for seniors, and the analysis of the needs and conditions of sport for all coaches, fitness professionals (kinesiologists, trainers), elderly people, and general practitioners. The document is a baseline for the development of Recommendations for implementing HEPA for seniors. The publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. Read More
SPORTIVE_Manual on how to use sport as a tool for educatin youngstersManuale_Sport come strumento per l'inclusione e l'educazione ai valori Read More
Skills for You(th) through Sport HANDBOOK
Skills for You(th) through Sport, known as the SK4YS project is a transnational initiative gathering various stakeholders with strong expertise and interest in skills development in and through sport. The initiative has been designed to raise awareness on soft skills and competencies gained through sport and to build the capacity of sport and youth organisations to implement sport-based youth development programmes. Additionally, the project aims to increase recognition of transferable skills that sport can develop for young people – especially those not in employment, education or training (NEETs). European University Sports Association - EUSA: Read More -
Erasmus Plus Factsheet
The EU Programme for education, training, youth and sport (2014-2020) -
Sport 2018
Not-for-profit European sport events, Small Collaborative partnerships and Collaborative partnerships in the sport field - Description of the projects selected for funding by European Commission Read More -
In Your Shoes - Guidebook for Sport & InclusionThe Guidebook for Sport & Inclusion, as the result of In Your Shoes – Youth Exchange on Sport and Inclusion” is now available. The guidebook contains different rules, pictures, stories and successful examples about how sport can be important in the process of inclusion of marginalized youngsters. Read More
NFE and Sport, a compendium of effective activitiesThis publication contains a collection of types of activities related to sport values, which can be used during the workshops in the field of youth. Read More