Showing 1-20 of 20
Towards inclusive policies and practices in Youth Work. Report on state of art and needs
Research report “Towards inclusive policies and practices in Youth Work. Report on state of art and needs.” looks at the situation and needs among youth workers, young people and other stakeholders in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, Poland and Spain in regard to applying inclusive policies and practices in their work. The report was prepared in the frame of the Erasmus + KA2 project "Tools for equality and Inclusion in Youth Work". Read More -
Towards A Successful Integration of Young Refugees. A Guide for NGOs
"Towards A Successful Integration of Young Refugees. A Guide for NGOs" aims to to support the capacity building process of NGOs supporting the integration of young refugees in their host communities. The objectives of the guide: (1) Raise awareness of the role of NGOs in the refugee integration process; (2) Provide tools and guidance for improvement of activities and services of NGOs supporting a more effective refugee integration process; (3) Introduce the outputs of the iMAPPY project and provide guidance for their use. The guide was developed in the frame of the project "A Strengthened Network and an Integration Map for Refugees". Read More -
Cyberfighters' BookletMost people are familiar with some kind of online harassament, especially children and teenagers whose social life is partially constituted by virtual interaction. The reasons why young people bully their peers online and offline are usually very similar, but the aggression takes place in a different environment and in different forms. An important factor is to be able to recognize what's the line that divides a joke and actual bullying. Proper cyberbullying can be defined as the systematic and repetitive use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, expose, impersonate or target another person. It's facilitated by the impersonal nature of online platforms and perpetrators feel more powerful behind the screen compared to face to face bullying. Read More
coLAB Toolkit: Inclusive practices towards refugees in higher education (2020)
CoLAB, a collaboration between five higher education institutions in Europe, is born from the observation that many refugees bring with them substantial professional experience and qualifications. Unfortunately, their prior achievements may not be recognized by their new host communities, and it is common for refugees to experience higher than average levels of unemployment, or to be employed below their level of skill. © Council of Europe, November 2019, English publication Read More -
Handbook on European non-discrimination law
In January 2010, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights decided to cooperate on the preparation of a handbook on European case law concerning non-discrimination. We are now pleased to present an updated version of this handbook, which contains updated examples of relevant case law and an improved structure. This handbook is designed to assist legal practitioners who are not specialized in the field of non-discrimination law, serving as an introduction to key issues involved. It is intended for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, social workers and persons who work with national authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other bodies that may be confronted with legal questions relating to issues of discrimination. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and Council of Europe, 2018 - Douwe Korff Read More -
2019 Calendar Ofrefugees
In order to face current European challenges of the refugee crisis, as well as issues related to inclusion, acceptance, tolerance, respect and the rise of extremism, we designed this instrument to provide a face and voice to sucessful stories of inclusion of young refugees in Europe. We collected different stories from different places and dedicated them a space in this calendar. Read More -
Towards a Cultural Shift in Learning and Teaching
Thematic Peer Group Report - European University Association -
Shaping the Future of Europe: The Role of Education Trade Unions
Background document of the ETUCE Special Conference, from 26th to 28th November 2018. -
Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe
National policies and measures to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. -
Visions and Actions for Gender Equality
As a participatory conference, Gender Equality and YOU brought together 260 participants from all over Europe to take part in an open dialogue about the future priorities for the work on gender equality of the EU - Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Read More -
The ESSDE Capacity Building Project III
European Sectoral Social Partners in Educational Striving for Sustainable Influence on European Education Policy Building Through Successful Social Dialogue - Tina Weber, ICF Consulting Services Read More -
Joint Statement on Citizenship Education & EU Common Values
A joint initiative on promoting EU Common Values and Inclusive Education - Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union -
HAVE YOUR SAY! Manual on the revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional LifeThe revised charter is designed as a tool to support young people, youth workers, organisations and local authorities in promoting and enhancing meaningful youth participation at local level across Europe and it may be used in a variety of different ways. Read More
Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Youth Activities of the Council of Europe. Consultative Meeting ReportConsultative Meeting Report: Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Youth Activities of the Council of Europe.