Showing 1-20 of 29
Educational Package EU4SARDINIAThis document has been created as part of the project "EU4SARDINIA – Together Towards Democracy: Connecting Europe and Sardinia through European Values" c0-funded by the European Union. The package includes a range of interactive resources and activities aimed at engaging young people and the local community. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the principles of democracy, understand their role as European citizens, and contribute to discussions about the future of Europe. Disclaimer ‘This publication document was co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.’ Read More
TOOLBOX FOR IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDSThis publication is prepared under the project "Fly2work" funded by the Erasmus + Program. The object of this result is to establish a simple process on how to establish the state of the art of youth unemployment problems in Europe and specifically in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy Read More
The Manual for Digitalization of Social EnterprisesThere is a wealth of information on the Internet on how to set up businesses, social enterprises, and we often get lost in the information overload. That is why, with this guide, we want to put in order the ideas and offer the existing tools on the Internet to develop or improve a business using digitisation. The guide has been prepared to introduce digital-social entrepreneurship to them and to contribute to the digital transition processes by improving their digital skills. The manual was produced as a result of the project Emakers, funded by the Erasmus+ Program. Read More
Non-Formal Toolkit of Digital Social Entrepreneurship - PART BThe "Non-Formal Toolkit of Digital Social Entrepreneurship - PART B" was prepared under the project "Emakers" funded by the Erasmus+ Program. The output aims to stimulate a reflection on the mentioned key characteristics, providing inputs and key concepts useful for entrepreneurs who want to improve their skills or/or start a new path in the business field. Read More
Non-Formal Toolkit of Digital Social Entrepreneurship - PART AThe "Non-Formal Toolkit of Digital Social Entrepreneurship - PART A" was prepared under the project "Emakers" funded by the Erasmus+ Program. The contents of non-formal tools have been designed according to digital and social entrepreneurship purposes. Tools are suitable for use by youth workers, youth groups, facilitators and young people. Read More
EurVoice manualThe partners of the "EurVoice" project have prepared a series of educational workshops that can be used in youth work, as well as in activities for youth workers. You can choose from a wide range of workshops whose objectives are to promote active citizenship and social responsibility in the local communities, to encourage youth participation and advocacy and foster mutual understanding between young people. Get inspired and try our EURvoice workshops, which have been developed by experienced youth workers. They contain detailed instructions, as well as useful tips and recommendations on how to get the most out of the activity in an online and offline environment and how to involve youth with fewer opportunities. Read More
Fueling Innovation in Non-Formal EducationManual on game-based learning, gamification & good practices in youth work. The Manual was developed under the framework of the project "Fueling Innovation in NFE", mobility of youth workers, co-funded by the Italian National Agency and coordinated by TDM 2000 International. "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Read More
A concrete and useful tool about NFE. Non-formal educations comes with the concept of “ Lifelong learning” which means that a person should not stop the learning process after finishing the formal educational system ( school, high school, university etc) but to continue during all life. Read More -
YOUTH MOBILITY EMPLOYABILITYDifferent success stories of youth who participated in EVS. Participation in the International Mobility Activities opened opportunities for them to edge in the Labor Market. Read More
Learning to learn - A key competence for all adults?!UNIQUE, a European network of educational practitioners and researchers, decided to explore the key-competence LEARNING TO LEARN and designed an action research project with the main aim to understand better how education can support adult learners developing this key competence.The project sets out to identify educational approaches, methods and concepts whichsupport the development of the competence LEARNING TO LEARN – with the aim to contribute to the already existing respective pool of knowledge. Read More
The individuating new policies and strategies for the validation and recognition of Non Formal Learning
This publication contains a report about new strategies and policies identified in Lithuania and related to Non Formal Learning. Read More -
Six Steps to Global Citizenship
Our most successful publication “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” aims to (1) provide a framework of competencies young people around Europe need to further develop and strengthen so that they can act better in this interconnected world; (2) offer practical tools for youth workers and educators which help to develop global citizenship competences of young people. The publication was developed in the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” Our most successful publication “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” aims to (1) provide a framework of competencies young people around Europe need to further develop and strengthen so that they can act better in this interconnected world; (2) offer practical tools for youth workers and educators which help to develop global citizenship competences of young people. The publication was developed in the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Six Steps to Global Citizenship”. Read More -
Global Youth Work. The Stories of GLOBALAB
"Global Youth Work. The Stories of GLOBALAB" is a collection of stories and case studies that: (1) Illustrate the importance of international mobility for widening horizons of youth workers and bringing a global perspective to the activities with young people; (2) Highlight the importance of global education processes that lead to action at the local level; (3) Showcase some good practices of the project partners on delivering global education processes and taking action both locally and internationally. It was prepared in the frame of Erasmus+ CBY project “Globalab - goes global”. Read More -
Towards A Successful Integration of Young Refugees. A Guide for NGOs
"Towards A Successful Integration of Young Refugees. A Guide for NGOs" aims to to support the capacity building process of NGOs supporting the integration of young refugees in their host communities. The objectives of the guide: (1) Raise awareness of the role of NGOs in the refugee integration process; (2) Provide tools and guidance for improvement of activities and services of NGOs supporting a more effective refugee integration process; (3) Introduce the outputs of the iMAPPY project and provide guidance for their use. The guide was developed in the frame of the project "A Strengthened Network and an Integration Map for Refugees". Read More -
Toolkit Global Education Goes Pop
Toolkit "Global Education Goes Pop" aims to (1) introduce global perspectives into young people’s local contexts; (2) increase the capacity of the local level in teaching about global issues and Sustainable Development Goals to young people; (3) generate youth-friendly approaches and methodologies for learning-action processes on global issues using pop culture. The publication was developed in the frame of the EU DEAR project. Read More -
Digital Tools presentation TDM 2000 International
In this presentation TDM 2000 International shows useful digital tools for non formal activities online. -
Policy approaches to open education
This study provides the first-ever EU-wide overview of the state of play with policies on open education involving all the 28 Member States. For each Member State, a full account of their understanding of open education and strategic policy approach is given. © European Union, 2017 Read More -
Lifelong Learning Platform
Guidebook to EU DECISION-MAKING IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Gathering 41 organisations, the Lifelong Learning Platform is today the most legitimate interlocutor of the EU institutions in the field of lifelong learning. It continuously defends the need to implement a dialogue across educational sectors and between stakeholders and public institutions at all levels, regional, national and European. Read More -
Qualified Youth Workers for Europe
Dear readers, on the one hand, this guide deals theoretically with the issue of the recognition of competences of youth workers and, on the other hand, presents two concrete practical examples. The guide thus works as a quality development tool for training and further education for youth workers. In this sense, it contributes to the transparency of their competences and their recognition and provides an overview of the relevant expert discourse. Authors: Anna Brauckmann, B.A. Mag.a Hanna Krämer-Erklavec Theresa Riechert, M.A. Mag. Klaus Schreiner Dr. Edda Strutzenberger-Reiter Contributors: Marita Gasteiger, B.A. Dipl.-Ing. Natalie Lehner Regina Roland, M.A. Read More