Showing 1-20 of 21
Manual for Inclusive Non-Formal Educational Activities for Young Persons with and without DisabilitiesThe "Manual for Inclusive Non-Formal Educational Activities for Young Persons with and without Disabilities" is a comprehensive resource for youth workers and practitioners, focusing on promoting disability rights and fostering inclusion through non-formal education. Rooted in frameworks like the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the manual equips practitioners with tools and methods to create inclusive and empowering educational experiences. By utilizing interactive activities such as role-playing and discussions, it encourages critical thinking, empathy, and awareness of the challenges faced by persons with disabilities. Designed to challenge stereotypes and promote respect, the manual serves as both an educational tool and a guide for advocating inclusivity and equality. Its ultimate goal is to foster a culture of lifelong learning, empowering practitioners and youth to build more inclusive communities. Read More
Handbook of Best Practices in Non-Formal Education on Mental Health EducationThis handbook aims to serve as a useful tool for implementing initiatives focused on promoting various themes and concepts related to mental health well-being, especially among young people. The publication has been created in the framework of the project “Giovani all’Ascolto”, (Listen to YOUth in English) financed by the Programme Erasmus+ under the umbrella of the action “European Solidarity Corps – Solidarity Projects”. Read More
Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018- 2019
Uno strumento come la “Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018-2019”, completa ed aggiornata, testimonia la volontà di stare al passo con le istituzioni europee al fine di coglierne al meglio le opportunità e renderci consapevoli delle possibilità che offrono . La guida include tutte le principali linee di finanziamento della programmazione UE, partendo dai programmi a gestione diretta fino ai programmi di cooperazione interregionale, compreso un capitolo dedicato agli strumenti finanziari. © ESPON Read More -
Potential and challenges of e participation in the European Union
This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. European countries have started exploring e-participation as a way to regain citizens' trust and revitalise European democracy by developing a more responsive, transparent and participatory decision-making process. The main objectives of the study are to identify best practices in EU Member States, describe e-participation tools and initiatives at the EU level, and explain the benefits and challenges of e-participation. © European Union, 2016 - Elisa LIRONI, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) Read More -
The Online Job Vacancy Market in the EU
By examining online job portals as a source for developing labour market intelligence in real time, this report supports the ambitions of the new skills agenda. - Cedefop Read More -
Debate Watching Party
The Guide to Organising Your Own Debate Watching Party for the Maastricht Debate 2019 - European Youth Forum -
Societies outside Metropolises: the role of civil society organisations in facing populism
This report presents the findings of a study on populism in selected areas in Europe - European Economic and Social Committee Read More -
Action Plan of 2018This publication contains a summary of the projects, the activities, the meetings and publications implemented in 2018.
Raise a problem, get an answer! Information bookletSummary of the project: Raise a problem, get an answer!
Voluntary Calendar 2016This pdf is calendar of 2016 with the best EVS Volunteer's Pictures.
Volunteer's guide - by TDM 2000This handbook, written by the association TDM 2000, is dedicated to the new EVS volunteers. It contains all the information that a new EVS volunteer could need about volunteering with EVS project. Read More
Online platform for analysis of European youth policiesThis publication contains the Report on Online platform for analysis of European policies in the field of youth From January to August of 2017. The online platform for analysis of European policies in the field of youth is space for discussions about the different moments that European politics went through, the actualities of the Erasmus+ programme, and the diverse opportunities offered youth. Read More
Online Newsletter of 2017This publication contains all the online newsletters of 2017. The content regards all the news and notices about the TDM 2000 International network. Read More
Online platform for analysis of European youth policiesThis publication contains the Report on Online platform for analysis of European policies in the field of youth from September of 2017 to February of 2018. The online platform for analysis of European policies in the field of youth is space for discussions about the different moments that European politics went through, the actualities of the Erasmus+ programme, and the diverse opportunities offered youth. Read More