Showing 1-20 of 25
Creation of Training ContentThe project concept is mostly based on the project partners' many years of experience in intercultural understanding and their expertise in creating methodologies. The project will also have an educational perspective and will highlight concepts such as both learning and learning to learn. Read More
Culturally Diverse Humanly United - Skills Library on Diversity ManagementL'idea del progetto si basa principalmente sulla pluriennale esperienza dei partner nella comprensione interculturale e sulla loro competenza nella creazione di metodologie. Il progetto avrà anche una prospettiva educativa e metterà in risalto concetti quali l'apprendimento e l'imparare a imparare. Read More
Culturally DiverseThe project concept is mostly based on the project partners' many years of experience in intercultural understanding and their expertise in creating methodologies. The project will also have an educational perspective and will highlight concepts such as both learning and learning to learn. Read More
coLAB Toolkit: Inclusive practices towards refugees in higher education (2020)
CoLAB, a collaboration between five higher education institutions in Europe, is born from the observation that many refugees bring with them substantial professional experience and qualifications. Unfortunately, their prior achievements may not be recognized by their new host communities, and it is common for refugees to experience higher than average levels of unemployment, or to be employed below their level of skill. © Council of Europe, November 2019, English publication Read More -
Family reunification for refugee and migrant children
As a result of the sharp increase in the refugee and migrant population in recent years, many children and their families have experienced family separation. Member states are bound by various obligations related to family reunification, and the practical reunification of refugee and migrant children with their family members has proved complex. This handbook is a practical guide both to key legal standards and to promising practices in the field of family reunification and restoring family links. © Council of Europe, April 2020 - Florence Boreil, Dr Ellen Desmet, Georgia Dimitropoulou, Dr Mark Klaassen Read More -
Protecting Migrants under the European Convention on human rights and the European Social Charter
Migration to Europe is an ancient and wide phenomenon which has accelerated in speed and scale in recent times. Although migrants are not expressly mentioned in the European Convention on Human Rights, they, as every human being, are entitled to human rights protection. Migrants are people who move from their country of usual residence or nationality to another country. A migrant may move for economic or educational reasons, to flee from natural disasters caused by climate change or to escape persecution, human rights abuses, threats to life or physical integrity, war and civil unrest. This handbook is intended as a tool for legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, public officials, human rights defenders) to better understand the European human rights of migrants and the means to claim their respect or implementation at the national and international levels. © Council of Europe, February 2013 - Yannis Ktistakis Read More -
Protecting the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under the European Convention on Human Rights
This handbook examines the scope and content of freedom of thought, conscience and religion as guaranteed in particular by Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and as interpreted by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Strasbourg Court”) and by the former European Commission on Human Rights (“the Commission”). However, issues concerning conscience and belief may arise elsewhere in the treaty, and brief reference to certain related guarantees that have some particular impact upon freedom of thought, conscience and religion has been considered necessary. © Council of Europe, 2012 - Jim Murdoch Read More -
Freedom of expression
The European Convention on Human Rights (“the Convention”) was signed on 4 November 1950 in Rome. In the context of effective political democracy and respect for human rights mentioned in the Preamble to the Convention, freedom of expression is not only important in its own right, but also it plays a central part in the protection of other rights under the Convention. Without abroad guarantee of the right to freedom of expression protected by independent and impartial courts, there is no free country, there is no democracy. © Council of Europe, 2001, 2004 - Monica Macovei Read More -
Handbook on European non-discrimination law
In January 2010, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights decided to cooperate on the preparation of a handbook on European case law concerning non-discrimination. We are now pleased to present an updated version of this handbook, which contains updated examples of relevant case law and an improved structure. This handbook is designed to assist legal practitioners who are not specialized in the field of non-discrimination law, serving as an introduction to key issues involved. It is intended for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, social workers and persons who work with national authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other bodies that may be confronted with legal questions relating to issues of discrimination. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and Council of Europe, 2018 - Douwe Korff Read More -
Towards a Cultural Shift in Learning and Teaching
Thematic Peer Group Report - European University Association -
Strengthening Regional Cooperation Through Youth Work
Swapping Cultures Erasing Borders is a 9 months project financed by the first pilot call for proposals of RYCO and implemented by Beyond Barriers Association in partnership with BLINK- Kosovo, PEL- Macedonia and SVETLOST- Serbia. Read More -
Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe
National policies and measures to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. -
Post-theistic and naturalistic religions
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Parody or mock religions
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
New religious movements
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Modern paganism
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Mesoamerican religions
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Left-hand path religions
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa -
Iranian religions
Publication part of the project Development of new Inter-religious tools - NGO Iuventa