Showing 1-20 of 35
Advocacy HandbookThis handbook is useful for organisations and aims to serve as a manual to providing information on different formats of advocacy and contains a set of practical tools to plan, implement and evaluate an advocacy process. It contains information for those trying to understand the policy and advocacy world, who want to see change and influence policy makers. Read More
Educational Package EU4SARDINIAThis document has been created as part of the project "EU4SARDINIA – Together Towards Democracy: Connecting Europe and Sardinia through European Values" c0-funded by the European Union. The package includes a range of interactive resources and activities aimed at engaging young people and the local community. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the principles of democracy, understand their role as European citizens, and contribute to discussions about the future of Europe. Disclaimer ‘This publication document was co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.’ Read More
Policy recommendations and adaptation GuideThe tool is intended to be complementary to the educational board game developed within the project named "YouPlay" downloadable at this link: The Guide contains Policy recommendations, a Presentation of the methodology used for the game to be adapted to other fields, Indication of existing tools and systems to recognize the competences that participants will acquire taking part to the educational activities. The guide is available in 6 languages on the webpage of the project Read More
YOUPLAY Educational Board Game "SOVERANA: Running a Sustainable City"The Educational Game is a board/card game aimed at fostering young people's active citizenship, at enhancing their integration and inclusion, and at strengthening their contribution to the functioning and development of democratic debate. Not only this, it also aims at empowering the participants to play a vital role in their own development as well as that of their communities putting the emphasis on how important is their action to contribute in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Game was designed to help the young direct beneficiaries to learn vital life-skills, develop knowledge on human rights and citizenship and to promote positive civic action. Read More
CONNESSIONIThis report collects together the materials produced and used for the event “Connessioni” held in Cagliari in November 2023. You will find a general report of the meeting detailing invitees and agenda, training material package, audio video materials and the evaluation report. This publication has been produced and funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Read More
StoritellingThis is a project about storytelling as an innovative tool of participation. 4M Storytelling is a method of four Modules that uses visible thinking and storytelling to analyse and streamline otherwise complex issues. Each Module engages a different yet related– area of social activity. Read More
YouPlay - YOUth PLAYful engagement Research on youth participationThe research on the situation of youth participation realized in the frame of the project "YouPlay- YOUth PLAYful engagement" funded by the Erasmus Programme. The aim of the Research was: to collect good practices on games, tools, and other didactical activities on the participation of young people and people in general, developed at the local or international level. To reach young people and collect through surveys their points of view and proposals for improvement and inspiration for the creation of the education game on the Sustainable Development Goals. To collect the ideas of youth workers and other educators for the development of thegame. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. ***Questo manuale è stato realizzato con il supporto e il contributo economico della RAS - Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna - Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - L.R. n.3/2009, art. 9, comma 9.*** Read More
SPEAK OUT FOR HER WORLDA guide for girls and young women to start their own advocacy campaign
Six Steps to Global CitizenshipOur most successful publication “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” aims to (1) provide a framework of competencies young people around Europe need to further develop and strengthen so that they can act better in this interconnected world; (2) offer practical tools for youth workers and educators which help to develop global citizenship competences of young people. The publication was developed in the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” Our most successful publication “Six Steps to Global Citizenship” aims to (1) provide a framework of competencies young people around Europe need to further develop and strengthen so that they can act better in this interconnected world; (2) offer practical tools for youth workers and educators which help to develop global citizenship competences of young people. The publication was developed in the frame of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Six Steps to Global Citizenship”. Read More
Global Youth Work. The Stories of GLOBALAB"Global Youth Work. The Stories of GLOBALAB" is a collection of stories and case studies that: (1) Illustrate the importance of international mobility for widening horizons of youth workers and bringing a global perspective to the activities with young people; (2) Highlight the importance of global education processes that lead to action at the local level; (3) Showcase some good practices of the project partners on delivering global education processes and taking action both locally and internationally. It was prepared in the frame of Erasmus+ CBY project “Globalab - goes global”. Read More
Digital Citizenship and Youth WorkResearch report "Digital Citizenship and Youth Work" which aims to investigate: (1) the profiles of young people and youth workers in relation to the digital citizenship, (2) the strategies/policies at the national and EU level in relation to the promotion of digital citizenship in formal/non-formal learning, (3) the provision of training opportunities youth workers in the public/private sector in the particular field, (4) the compliance of national policies/practice with EU/Council of Europe strategies and initiatives in the areas under scrutiny here, (5) the digital needs of youth workers and young people. The research was conducted in 6 countries (Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus and Ireland) in the frame of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "DICIPASS4YOUTH: European Digital Citizenship Pass for Youth Empowerment and participation". Read More
Operating Grant 2020 Contest on Dual IdentityThe Report briefly summarize the two most valuable activities implemented in accordance with the aim to increase the attention and involvement of young people in the dual identity of being “Locals” and “Europeans” together, spurring them to rethink the relationship with the European Union. Read More
EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence FrameworkThe European Commission has proposed ‘A New Skills Agenda for Europe: Working together to strengthen human capital, employability and competitiveness’ to address the skills challenges that Europe is currently facing. The aim is that everyone should have the key set of competences needed for personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment. These competences include literacy, numeracy, science and foreign languages, as well as more transversal skills such as digital competence, entrepreneurship competence, critical thinking, problem solving or learning to learn. The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, also known as EntreComp, offers a tool to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations. The framework aims to build consensus around a common understanding of entrepreneurship competence by defining 3 competence areas, a list of 15 competences, learning outcomes and proficiency levels, which current and future initiatives can refer to. © European Union, 2016 Margherita Bacigalupo, Panagiotis Kampylis, Yves Punie, Godelieve Van den Brande Read More
Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018- 2019Uno strumento come la “Guida ai finanziamenti europei 2018-2019”, completa ed aggiornata, testimonia la volontà di stare al passo con le istituzioni europee al fine di coglierne al meglio le opportunità e renderci consapevoli delle possibilità che offrono . La guida include tutte le principali linee di finanziamento della programmazione UE, partendo dai programmi a gestione diretta fino ai programmi di cooperazione interregionale, compreso un capitolo dedicato agli strumenti finanziari. © ESPON Read More
Strengthening Local Democracy in Armenia“Development does not start or stop with the production of goods. It starts with the people and the useable resources of people, such as motivation, initiative, organizational discipline. Without this, all resources remain potential and untapped ...." Since joining the Council of Europe, the consolidation of democratic principles and practices is progressing in the Eastern Partnership countries and so is in Armenia. Democratic institutions, freedom of elections and check and balances of power are among the objectives that the recent Armenia has posed to itself for peace and development for the whole country. The following guidelines, will give practical hints to all those who are seizing the challenge and embark on a new form and participative local governance! Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of the European Association of Local Democracy Lusine Alexandryan, Delegate of LDA Foundation Armenia Read More
Potential and challenges of e participation in the European UnionThis study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. European countries have started exploring e-participation as a way to regain citizens' trust and revitalise European democracy by developing a more responsive, transparent and participatory decision-making process. The main objectives of the study are to identify best practices in EU Member States, describe e-participation tools and initiatives at the EU level, and explain the benefits and challenges of e-participation. © European Union, 2016 - Elisa LIRONI, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) Read More
Media Literacy for allBeing media literate means being able to critically understand and evaluate media content and to responsibly and safely use digital media services. Media literacy helps us engage with others in the public sphere, using the creative and participatory potential that new technologies and services can offer. Nowadays, it also includes understanding how data is used and how algorithms and all can influence media production and choices. The importance of community media in supporting the formation of an ‘informed citizenry’ is well recognized by the Council of Europe. © Council of Europe, February 2020 - Martina Chapman, Nadia Bellardi, Helmut Peissl Read More
Digital technologies in electionsDigital solutions are increasingly used in elections. Their security has attracted much attention in the recent years as it impacts the integrity of elections. The legislator has the important burden to introduce regulations ensuring that only digital solutions which comply with constitutional principles can be used in elections. This is not an easy task as the field is still experimental. The two studies presented here raise legal questions, draw upon past experiences in several countries and suggest possible approaches. This publication will be of interest to legislators and executive authorities, namely Election Management Bodies, that are invited to decide on the use of digital solutions in elections. © Council of Europe, March 2020 - Ardita Driza Maurer Read More
Easy steps to help your child become a Digital Citizen (2020)Young people today inhabit a world that has been transformed by digital technologies, effortlessly enabling connectedness through social media and access to vast quantities of information. Making sense of this hyper rich information and engaging effectively and responsibly poses a whole set of new challenges for educators as they seek to prepare young people as citizens, exercising their rights and participating effectively in the affairs of the community. © Council of Europe, April 2020 - Janice Richardson, Veronica Samara Read More
How to protect journalistsViolence against journalists is on the rise across Council of Europe member States – attacks are getting more severe and include, in some cases, murders and car bombs, as well as other forms of physical violence and threats. The present Implementation guide aims to provide member States with concrete responses to the question what can and should be done to protect journalists and other media actors. © Council of Europe, July 2020 Read More