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So far tdmint has created 68 blog entries.

“In Your Shoes – Youth Exchange on Sport and Inclusion”

Today in Cagliari we start project “In Your Shoes – Youth Exchange on Sport and Inclusion”. It will gather 60 young people from 10 different European countries to discuss, promote and experience how sport activities can support and facilitate the inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities.

The APV of the project “In Your Shoes – Youth Exchange on Sport and Inclusion”

The APV of the project “In Your Shoes – Youth Exchange on Sport and Inclusion” took place from the 27 till the 29 of June in Cagliari. The representative of the partner organizations discussed about the planning of the activities, division of the tasks, profile of the participants and practicalities. They had the chance to visit the place where participants will stay and the spaces where activities will take place. All the information gathered during these days will be shared with the participants who will join the youth exchange from 20 till 28 of August in Cagliari.

Preparation for “Youth and Democracy for Active Participation”

We are in the preparation phase for the Training Course “Youth and Democracy for Active Participation”, which will take place next in Slovakia, 12th-20th of May. We believe in the need of an effective strategy for young people to learn and experience more about Human Rights Education and Education for Democratic Citizenship, therefore we built this Training Course to improve the work of non formal education in the field of education for democracy and active participation.

News from Eurostat, No Hate Speech Movement and more

This month our newsletter is announcing news about our new member SMIT Creator , International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, how unemployment dynamics changed according to the Eurostat, how to apply for the conference about European conflicts. Moreover we interviewed the president of our Portuguese member SYnergia Ricardo Sousa. If you want to read it all click here. If you want to subscribe write to this email

Check out the newsletter for February

Our newsletter for February just hit your email boxes. Don’t miss it and keep updated on Erasmus+, EU policy on particular issues, how to get to New York City, interview with Ucha Burduli from our member organisation Agency of Youth Promotion and Development „Compass” and much more! If you want to subscribe please write to us Newsltter is here!

The Address of Human Rights

Within the frame of the project “The Address of Human Rights”, twenty-five senior print, online and broadcast editors from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania and UK gathered in Cagliari, Sardinia from 24-26 October 2013 to share their approaches, opinions and experience on increased evidence of hate speech across Europe.
At this link you can read an interesting article on the meeting:

Caring about minorities in YOUth – Wind of Change

YOUth – Wind of Change is a training course which will be implemented in May. The training will bring together 30 participants from 10 countries. The main theme of project is empowering leadership from different minority groups. There are different factors which determine the participation of youngsters from minorities in community life. Being part of a minority group such as: a young person from a Roma community, a disabled person, a young person belonging to migrant family, a young person from LGBT community etc. in many cases lead to isolation. Within this project we would like to enrich participants with tools to develop their leadership skills in order to motivate

Participate in our New Tagline Contest and win a chance to go to one of our projects for free!

TDM 2000 International has launched their first from a series of contests – NEW TAGLINE CONTEST. Rules are simple – help our network come up with an idea for our new tagline that could represent us for years to come. The prize is free participation in one of our international projects (within the YiA framework). Do you feel like you have what it takes to make a good tagline for us? So what are you waiting for? For more info click here!

Raise a problem get an answer! will empower youth

The preparation of the project “Raise a problem, get an answer!” (Action 1.3.) is going on smoothly. The project aims to create a platform for the exchange of good ideas about activities that youth can undertake to start a real change in the society they live in, by becoming the agent of the change that they want to see in their community. The project will last 17 months and will be implemented in 4 countries (Estonia, Italy, Romania and Lithuania). We are already working on it with our partners and in the middle of October the kick-off meeting will take place in Sardinia. Be updated!

TDM 2000 International is launching a series of contests!

In order to increase its visibility and multiply its reach, the TDM 2000 International network will be launching a series of online contests in the upcoming months! The main prize for most of these contests will be a chance to participate in one of our international projects, mainly within the framework of Youth in Action, completely for free!

Find out more by liking our Facebook fanpage where you can find all the latest information on the contests!

TDM 2000 International Contests

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