We are very happy to announce that a new Training Course called “LostGen” (full name: “A lost Generation? NFLearning 4 Youth Employability”) has been approved. It will be implemented in Portugal this spring.

The project aims at:

1.Investigating the best ways how young people can acquire different competences and skills increasingly demanded by the labour market that shall complement eventual formal training and that may be drawn from non-formal education platforms, active cooperation within the third sector or volunteering.

2. Giving to our participants concepts such as recognition of competences essential to have youth being suitably valued by its acknowledged experience “outside the classroom”, here with a main role for the Youthpass -, career orientation – understood as successful targeting of one’s skills and competences that can guarantee more success in “landing” a job, and a topic to which we will dedicate a session facilitated by a vocational training specialist -, or entrepreneurship – seen both as a solution for insufficient job offers and as an instrument to reduce unemployment – will emerge as the adopted means to fight unemployment and promote employability, exploring means other than traditional (formal) education to support European policies combating the perils of Youth Unemployment.

There will be 28 participants, so 2 participants from each organization (1- should be female, the other one- male). Our partners are:

Associazione TDM 2000 International

ALINHAS? Associação Desportiva Juvenil (Portugal)

Associazione TDM 2000 (Italy)

INARE (Greece)

TDM 2000 Germany

EUROCIRCLE (Eurocircle)

Youth center “Bāze” (Latvia)

Strichting Upact (Netherlands)

Vilniaus liberalaus jaunimo organizacija (Lithuania)

Youth Art (Romania)

Compass (Hungary)


European Institute Pro Futuro Europae (Poland)

Nadácia Krajina Harmónie (Slovakia)

TDM 2000 Estonia